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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 (2023-2024)

Morgan, Armstrong, Lloyd-Webber and Hockney

This year we have Year 2 classes based at both Campuses and we will all be working together throughout the year. Our classes are as follows:


Kirk Campus

Hockney Class: Miss Foyle (Class Teacher and Year Group Leader). Mr Renfrey (Class Teacher when Miss Foyle is on leadership duties). Mrs Rice and Miss Booth (LSAs). 

Lloyd Webber Class: Miss Owen (Class Teacher). Mrs Smith and Mrs Swanson (LSAs). 


King Campus

Armstrong Class: Mrs Mackay-Martin (Class teacher). Miss Stenning (LSA). 

Morgan Class: Mrs Mitchell-Cole (Class teacher). Mrs Learmont-Pollock (LSA). 


Forest School and PE:


Kirk Campus: Hockney and Lloyd-Webber will have PE on a Thursday and a Friday this half term. Children will need to have a full PE kit in school, including a change of shoe, to be able to participate in lessons. Hockney and Lloyd-Webber do not have Forest School this half term.


King Campus: Armstrong and Morgan will have PE and Forest School on a Friday. Forest School will be in the morning so children will need to come to school on a Friday dressed ready for Forest School (old, warm clothing and wellies). PE will be in the afternoon so children will need to have full PE kits in school, including a change of shoe, to change into at lunchtime. Children do not need school uniform on a Friday.


Home Learning

Reading: Please read with your child as often as possible at home. Not only will this help to develop their reading skills, it will also help to promote their pleasure and enjoyment for reading. Please aim to listen to your child read at least 4 times over the week (even if it is just a couple of pages each day). This doesn’t just have to be their school reading books but can include library books, home books, comics and magazines. This year, instead of reading diaries, we are introducing a new app called ‘Boom Reader’. You will be able to use this platform to record any reading that your child completes which we will then be able to view in school. Further information and login details will be sent out in due course. 


Spelling: In Year 2, children will be set weekly spelling homework. Children will be set spellings on a Friday and will then be tested on the following Friday. Weekly spellings will link to what children are learning in phonics that week.


Times tables: Please support your child to learn their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables at home. ‘Hit the button’ is a great online game to support times tables.


Thank you in advance for your support with reading, spelling and times table home learning.


Project: ‘The Day the Crayon’s Quit’

For the first two weeks of term, we will be completing our first project called ‘The Day the Crayon’s Quit’ which is based around the popular story book. This project has a PSHE, English and Art focus and children will spend time discussing their feelings and emotions.


Children will bring home a separate home learning and vocabulary sheet for this project.


Project: ‘All Creatures Great and Small’

Commencing Monday 18th September, we will commence a 5 week project called ‘All Creatures Great and Small’. This project will have a Science, English and DT focus, with children learning to classify different types of animals and identify what they eat. 


Children will bring home a separate home learning and vocabulary sheet for this project.  


Other information

- Please clearly label all of your child’s belongings with their full name. This makes it so much easier for us to return lost or misplaced items.

- Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle into school each day.

- Should you have any questions, queries or concerns, your child’s class teacher is your first point of contact and then following this it would be your child’s year group leader (Miss Foyle) or your child’s phase leader. At Kirk Campus this is Miss Foyle and at King Campus this is Mrs Barnaby.  It can be a little tricky to talk on the door at the beginning or end of the day, so please do email with the subject tab as your child’s class and teacher. We will then contact you via phone call as a follow up

- Thank you for your anticipated support this year. Here’s to a happy and successful year in Year 2 for your child!


Dates for the diary

Tuesday 5th September - First day of the Autumn term

Please do speak to us if you have any queries or concerns. It can be a little tricky to speak on the door so it is advisable to write a note in your child’s home school diary or send an email via Please be reminded that your child’s Class Teacher is your first point of contact. 

Learning from home


We are using Google Classroom to support children who are working from home. 


Access Google Classroom:


Armstrong Classroom Code: kvkm3ji

Morgan Classroom Code: gy564xd

Hockney Classroom Code: zbwluiu

Lloyd-Webber Classroom Code: dv4zj6l


Parent Letter:


If you have any questions please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance.


Additionally, please find below some ideas for home learning.

Here are a selection of websites that you may find useful: (your child's login details can be found at the back of their home school diaries)




