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Art & Design

The Endeavour Art Vision


At Endeavour Primary School, we value art and place a great emphasis on its importance as part of the Integrated Curriculum. Art enables children to express themselves in a creative, imaginative manner. We intend to give the children many opportunities to develop their skills and to express their interests, thoughts and ideas with individuality and creativity flowing through everything they do.


The teaching of Art is planned through the Integrated Curriculum. Each year group has Art planned through the Project alongside learning about an Artist. Areas covered include tile printing, still life, clay modelling, collage and sculpture as well as painting, sketching and exploring a variety of art mediums.


Every child is an artist at Endeavour Primary school – some just don’t realise! There is no right or wrong in art and we remove fear and encourage children to express their ideas.  Our integrated curriculum is enriched with Art & Design. A key focus at Endeavour is the development of tier 2 and 3 vocabulary.


Joseph Beuys says: ‘Every man is an Artist.’


An Endeavour Artist

  • Design and make products creatively through exploring their ideas, experiences and using their imagination.
  • Develop the mastery through drawing, painting and sculpture.
  • Explores and develops their drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
  • Evaluates and analyses artistic works using the language of art, craft and design.
  • Knows about great artists, craft makers, architects and designers and can make links to their own work.
  • A passion for Art and an enthusiastic engagement in learning about different mediums through experiences and their imagination.

An Endeavour Designer

  • Develop enthusiastic, curious and independent learners.
  • Design and make products using creativity and imagination.
  • Understand what went and how they can improve their design or product for next time.
  • A passion for Design and Technology and enthusiastic engagement in learning about the process of designing and making products that solve real life and relevant problems.