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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Cook, Drake, Hirst and Wordsworth

The Year 6 team are looking forward to a year of learning, exploration and building skills.  The curriculum has new and revamped projects that are designed to engage your children in their learning journey and to prepare them for life beyond Endeavour. 


The Team


King Campus


Drake Class - The class teacher is Miss Pullen, supported by Miss Davies and Miss Thompson


Cook Class - The class teachers are Mr Main (Year Leader) and Mrs Scotton, supported by Mrs Webster and Mrs Underhay.


We are fortunate to have Miss Marques working with us at King campus to support children with their learning across both classes. Miss Marques runs daily intervention sessions in the afternoon to help groups of children. 


Kirk Campus 


Hirst Class - The class teacher is Mr Morris, supported by Mrs Nicholls and Miss Bilcliffe


Wordsworth Class - Mrs Thambipillai (or Mrs T!), supported by Miss Bannan


Mr Morris and Mrs T will run daily intervention sessions in the afternoon to help groups of children across both classes. 

We are now using Google Classroom for our homework, as well as for showcasing the amazing learning taking place in our classroom. 


Your child will have a log in that you are free to use!



Useful Information


PE Days


PE days for Year 6 are


Monday and Wednesday


Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit on these days. They should wear their Endeavour sweatshirt or cardigan over the top of their PE T-shirt. 

Presentations and Communications 


Just in case you missed any meetings, or want to read through the information again, we will keep any presentations in this section.

Home Learning


Daily practise 


Learning is a partnership between school and parents.  To support your child, we ask that you read with your child and remind them to practise their timestables at home.  


Reading: Please read with your child as often as possible at home and record in the new Boom Reader app.  When reading, question your child to check their understanding. Daily reading is one of the most important activities that supports your child to progress.  


Times tables: Please support your child with learning their times tables at home.  In Year 6, we are continuing to revise all times tables. Start by focussing on recalling them in order and looking at number patterns. Then, work towards being able to recall them out of order as well as the link to division facts.


Homework to be completed weekly 


Homework is practising of learning covered during the week.  It supports your child to make the most of their learning and to gain confidence in the classroon. All homework can be completed on mobile devices to make it easier to complete and hand in.  



Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation: This will be set via Google classrooms on a Wednesday and will be due on the following Tuesday. 


Maths: This will be set via MyMaths on a Wednesday and will be due in on the following Tuesday.

