Uniform and Presentation
Endeavour School Uniform
All Children are required to wear uniform to Endeavour.
In order to support families financially we have removed the requirements on many branded items and given options to purchase non-branded items in order to support the cost of living.
Uniform cannot be ordered via the school, however, you can obtain a uniform guide letter from the school office.
All of our school uniform is supplied locally by Stitch a Logo or online with My Clothing:
Stitch A Logo
A: Unit 12 & 13 Colebrook Way, Andover, SP10 3GQ
T: 01264 351515
Online Order Form:
My Clothing
W: www.myclothing.com
T: 0800 069 9949
At Endeavour we are committed to help families struggling financially to purchase an Endeavour branded jumper or require assistance with Uniform at any point in the year. Please speak to the Leadership Team, who will be happy to offer support.
Please also look out for our Pre-Loved Uniform Sales which will happen across the year.
School Uniform Requirements
Shorts / Trousers / Skirts / Pinafores - Grey or Black
Sensible Plain Black Shoes
Sweatshirt with Endeavour Logo or unbranded - Deep Royal
Cardigan with Endeavour Logo or unbranded - Deep Royal
Polo shirt Endeavour log or unbranded - Light Blue
PE Kit:
- PE T-Shirt Endeavour logo or unbranded - Blue
- PE Shorts - Black
- Black Tracksuit bottoms (optional)
- Sweatshirt (optional)
It is school policy that no large rucksacks or bags should be coming into school, we simply do not have the space for them.
Please can children bring their PE kit in a small drawstring bag and carry their reading book in a blue book bag.
Please name all items clearly.
Items unnamed will be donated to the PTA at the end of each Term.
Hair styles should be smart and moderate in style.
Long hair must be tied up for PE, Art, Science & DT where safety is paramount. Please ensure that your child has a hair tie in school.
Endeavour follows Hampshire County Health and Safety requirements for jewellery so it is discouraged and children will be asked to remove anything other than small studs or small hooped sleepers and a watch.
If your child wears jewellery for religious or medical reasons, please ensure that you write contact the school so we are aware.
The only permitted jewellery that may be worn:
- One pair of stud/small hooped earrings
- A sensible wristwatch
Jewellery is the responsibility of the pupil and not the school. Lost or damaged items will not be refunded.
All jewellery must be removed or covered during practical lessons, for example, PE lessons or swimming lessons with earring tape. If children cannot remove their own earrings, then this should be done at home on the day of PE.
Water Bottle
We encourage all children to bring a water bottle into school every day; this can be accessed and refilled by children whenever necessary during the day.
Water bottles must be labelled with your child’s name.
Forest School Clothing
Parents/carers will be informed of their children’s Forest School days via newsletters, the school website calendar and app message reminders on the school app.
Children should wear uniform into school and bring forest school clothes to change into.
Forest School clothing is as follows:
- Waterproof coat or waterproof jacket in warmer weather
- Comfortable tracksuit bottoms or leggings – not shorts
- Long-sleeved top/jumper
- Wellington boots or old trainers – which can be kept in school
- Appropriate hat for the weather
- Scarf and gloves – if needed