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Year R

Welcome to Endeavour and Year R!

Columbus, Hillary, Attenborough and Kandinsky




The whole Year R Team would like to say a massive Welcome to you and your family on your child’s first year of school at Endeavour Primary School.

We are looking forward to working together to support and encourage your child to learn, grow and develop. 


If you have any queries or questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher either by booking an appointment via the office. 






Home Learning


Reading: Reading at home with your child is important for their development and helps them embed their learnings from they day.

Please read with your child as often as possible at home.

Your child will bring home a school book and we ask that you record any reading in their home school reading diary. 


Phonics: We will begin learning our sounds at school and it would be great if you can reinforce these at home. Your child will learn one new sound per day, and we encourage them to talk to you about these sounds.

Keep an eye on your child's Tapestry account to see which sounds we have been learning each week, and please speak to your class teacher if you need any support. 



Below are some games you can play at home to make phonics fun and reinforce your child's learning at home:


Sound splat: Write sounds on pieces of paper, place them in an area in your house. The adult says a sound and the child high fives the sound you have said.
Sound hunt: Hide sounds around your house/garden and go on a hunt to find all of the sounds. As your child finds the letter, encourage them to say the sound to support recognition. 
Silly soup: All you need is a large bowl, mixing spoon and a selection of items beginning with the sound your child has been practising. Ask your child to find the objects beginning with the sound you are practising and add them to the silly soup.  Sing the song 'We're making lots of silly soup. We're making soup that's silly.  We're going to put it in the fridge to make it nice and chilly.  In goes a 's'.
Drive the car: Draw some car parking spaces on a piece of paper and write single sounds into the spaces. Ask your child to park the car in the ‘t’ space and so on. You can role reverse this game so the child is giving you the instructions.
Alphabet jump: Write letters in chalk and ask your child to jump to a specific sound. As a challenge, you can ask them to think of a word that begins with that sound.
Playdough printing: Using playdough and some letters encourage your child to find a sound and print it into the playdough. They can then trace this with their finger and write it on a piece of paper.



ELS Phonics programme links


Here are the links for you to access all of the phonics sounds your children will be learning and videos showing you how to pronounce all of the sounds correctly. 


Phoneme pronunciation video PHASE 2

Phoneme pronunciation video PHASE 3

Phoneme pronunciation video PHASE 5


PHASE 2 Grapheme sheet


PHASE 3 Grapheme Sheet


PHASE 5 Grapheme Sheet



Harder to read and spell words 


Some words are known as 'harder to read and spell words' these are words that are frequently used in books and often are not decodable using our knowledge of sounds. Please find a list attached to practise recognising the key words by sight. We will test your child every half term on how they are getting on. Please only focus on a few words at a time to ensure the children are not overwhelmed and secure in knowing a few words, before moving on to learn more.





At Endeavour, we will engage in many exciting projects over the academic year. 


In year R, the projects are:


All about me.

Autumn Leaves.

Let's Celebrate.

People who help us.


Story makers.

Animal madness.



In Year R  we use Tapestry to gather evidence around each child's learning.  You will be able to see what they have been up to at school as we upload pictures of their learning.  We love to see what you get up to at home, so please add exciting news to your child’s account for us to share at school. This can include, cooking, clubs, days out, family events, learning new skills and having lots of fun! 

If you have not received an email with your child's log in details please contact the office.  


Useful websites to support home learning;




Please do speak to us if you have any queries or concerns.

It can be a little tricky to speak on the door so it is advisable to book an appointment though the office. 
