Year 3
Welcome to Year 3 2022-2023
Newton, Ford, Morpurgo and Dahl
St Mary Bourne Geography field trip
Stonehenge Trip
Video from Scientist.
Home learning
The Home Learning sheet can be found in the Home Learning section of the website.
- The children will also receive weekly spellings. Spellings will be put into your child’s diary every Friday to be tested on the following Friday.
- We also ask that you please read with your child at least 4 times a week and sign your child’s home school diary.
- Lastly, we ask that you regularly use Times Table Rock Stars with your children at home. This online resource will support children with learning their times tables.
Can You Dig It? Home Learning.
Ice Trap Home Learning
Termly spellings
Queries or concerns
Please always speak to the class teacher in the first instance of you have any issues. We are available on the door before and after school for quick queries. Alternatively, you can contact the office via email to arrange and appointment or a call home to discuss concerns. The office email is Please make your email FAO and then the class teacher's name. If anything remains unresolved please then contact the Year Leader before then speaking to the Heads of Campus or Head Teacher. We are here to help and our doors are open.