SEND at Endeavour
Parent Guide to SEN
Supporting Identification
Early identification of Special Educational Needs is important in ensuring that children have access to the relevant support as soon as possible. However, it may be the case that a child is not identified as having additional needs until later as learning behaviours change and develop over time.
If we are concerned about your child this can lead to further investigation into potential additional needs including attainment significantly below age-related expectations, lack of progress over time, difficulties accessing the curriculum within the classroom or changes in behaviour.
We strongly believe in the partnership between school and parents and therefore, if parents have concerns about their child, they should raise these with the class teacher. Children identified as having Special Educational Needs will be recorded on a Register in order to monitor progress and support given.
Each child will have a Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) which is written by the class teacher and shared by the teacher to parents. This plan will set out up to 3 targets for each child to work towards, how this will be achieved and what the outcomes will look like for that child. Once these targets have been achieved, they will be reviewed and new targets will be set.
The Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo)/ Inclusion Leader will oversee the support and provision for the children but the class teacher is accountable for meeting the needs of all children in the class. The PLP is formally shared with parents every term. However, the targets will be reviewed regularly by class staff and updated as necessary.
Support Available
Once a potential need has been identified, this will be discussed with parents/ carers and a Personalised Plan or Personal Support Plan will be written and shared with parents/carers. This will be shared by the Class Teacher and this might be a Parent-Teacher meeting or a separate appointment made.
The first action will be for the class teacher to provide additional support within the classroom in order to meet the child’s targets. This may include differentiated work and/or the use of additional resources or scaffolding. If more support is required then the class teacher will liaise with the Inclusion Team. Further interventions may then be put in place and the child’s progress within these will be monitored. This is regularly reviewed and discussed with parents/ carers by the Class Teacher.
Sometimes, the schools may seek advice and support from outside agencies in order to gain more knowledge or strategies to support a child. Outside agencies that we use include Hampshire Educational Psychology, Norman Gate Special School Outreach, Icknield Special School Outreach, Primary Behaviour Service, CYPMHS etc. Visits from these agencies will usually include an observation of the child, individual work and a discussion with the class teacher, inclusion team and the parents.