Speech, Language & Communication
Endeavour understands the importance of communication skills. We work to support children to effectively communicate with adults and peers at school. We assess children at different stages to identify any difficulties which may exist. Children are fully supported in many ways to improve their communication.
Children may join Endeavour with little or no English. We will always support children to learn English at a pace that is right for them whilst retaining a link to their home language and culture.
We are supported by the NHS Speech and Language Therapist who supports children in the school and will review targets termly.
We understand how important communication and language is from the moment a child joins Endeavour Primary School, we have a Private Speech and Language Therapist who works across the school and she focuses on children in Year Reception and Year 1. She works with the children and our Speech and Language Support Assistants as well as inviting parents into the sessions. The targets are reviewed half termly and the Speech and Language Assistants work with the children every week on their targets outside of the classroom environment. The class staff are also aware of the children’s targets and plans these into the children’s curriculum in class.
When the children start school, they are immersed in a rich language environment and this continues as they move through the school. There are always opportunities for children to have the language recapped or pre-taught to support them in their learning.