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On a quest for excellence

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Fiennes, Da Vinci, Dickens and Blake

The Year One team


Kirk Campus


Dickens Class 

Miss Lee is the class teacher 


Blake Class


Miss Gibbs is the class teacher


King Campus 


Fiennes Class

Miss Clemo is the class teacher and Miss Froggett is the teaching assistant. 


Da Vinci Class

Mrs Barnaby is the class teacher and Miss Chapman & Miss Brown and are the class teaching assistants. 


Important Information



This half term, PE will be held twice a week however it is suggested that PE kits stay in school all week as other activities may crop up.  Children will need a change of shoes for PE, either trainers or plimsolls. PE days for each campus are as follows;

Kirk: Tuesday and Friday

King: Tuesday and Friday


Forest School

Year 1 will not have Forest School this term. 


Home Learning


Your children will bring home a phonetically decodable reading book that is matched to the phase of phonics your child is learning.   Please read with your child as often as possible at home and record in their home school book. These are checked daily. Please aim to read with your child at least 4 times over the course of a week.



At Endeavour we follow the ELS (Essential Letters and Sounds) phonics programme and our reading books have fidelity to this scheme.

Here are the links to videos that help you to pronounce each sound for each phase








Over the course of this half term, please spend some time supporting your child to be able to spell the Year One common exception words. These are words that by the end of Year One children should be able to read and spell. A copy of the Year One common exception words can be found below. Thank you for your continued support! 






We will be continuing to use Tapestry this year and we will be uploading pictures and videos of your children at school. Please continue to check your child’s profile to see updates of their time at school. Likewise, please do continue to upload photos and videos of what your child is getting up to at home. We will always make time for your child to share this with the class. 

Remote Learning 

Year 1 will use Tapestry as their platform for setting home learning to any children who are unable to attend school due to isolating. If we are notified that your child is not going to be attending school for a period of time, we will upload the learning that they would be completing in school to Tapestry for them to complete at home. Please check your child's Tapestry account daily for home learning. Your child's teacher is also contactable through Tapestry and will be more than happy to help with anything home learning related. Additionally, please do share pictures and videos with us of the home learning that your child is getting up to. 


Below, you can also find links to useful home learning documents. 


Please do speak to us if you have any queries or concerns. It can be a little tricky to speak on the door so it is advisable to write a note in your child’s home school diary or book an appointment though the office. Please be reminded that your child’s class teacher is your first point of contact.
