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Primary School

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The Endeavour Science Vision


Science teaching at Endeavour Primary school aims to engage our children and support their inquisitive nature from Reception through to Year 6 through deliberate strategic planning and delivery. Embedded within the integrated curriculum, children are encouraged to think about their own understanding of the world, to ask questions and to explore ways in which these questions can be answered through investigation in an engaging way. Children are taught how to make predictions, plan investigations, keep tests fair, use equipment safely, measure and record their results, draw conclusions and present their results. Scientific enquiry skills are rooted into each project that children study and are further embedded throughout the primary school journey. Children are able to build upon prior knowledge and deepen their scientific abilities to become independent learners, exploring possible answers for their scientific based questions and investigations. Specialist vocabulary for projects is taught and built up, and effective questioning to communicate ideas is encouraged. On top of this links are forged and encouraged within the wider curriculum, to further ferment scientific knowledge and skills into long term memory.

The integrated curriculum is in constant review to allow for deeper knowledge and changes to be applied to ensure children’s engagement and learning in science is at the forefront and continues to evoke a drive of curiosity and excitement. A key focus at Endeavour is the development of tier 2 and 3 vocabulary.

Elon Musk, ‘It is important to view knowledge as sort of a semantic tree- make sure you understand the fundamental principles, i.e the trunk and big branches, before you get into the leaves/details of there is nothing for them to hang onto.’


An Endeavour Scientist

  • Are curious about the world around them.
  • Gathers research to further their knowledge.
  • Make predictions and test their predictions to gain understanding and knowledge.
  • Understand what happened and formulate a conclusion.
  • Work scientifically to focus on key features through approaches such as, pattern seeking, observing over time and using secondary sources.